Joshua Hall believes that the wisdom of God should fill every area of the life of a person who follows Jesus Christ. Investing is no exception.

Investing is one of the most spiritually challenging disciplines one could endeavor into. The landscape is fraught with deceit, land mines, and setbacks. It requires a disciplined character and a willingness to not depart from the path of faith.


It Was Written For Many ...


Many who do not know Christ have fought in the trenches of the world's financial markets. They know its language but they do not know Him. Deep inside they are desperate for real fulfillment. 


Many who carry the banner of Christ have invested just like the world and suffered dearly for it. Their actions have not brought light to their surroundings. They have been tossed to and fro due to their lack of knowledge.


It is for these that The Truth On Investing was written. It is a foundational handbook for using the extra resources God gives us to steward. It is not a "how to" manual for what to do. It is a guide to investing with God and discovering His unique plan for your resources so He alone can show you what to do.